Dream It. Build It. Drive It.
Drive Your Passion
Central Valley Collision Repair is home to one of the highest quality classic car restoration services available in California. Every detail no matter how small is restored to pristine show room finish. Our customer's cars are seen in national magazines and many have won best-in-show awards at car shows across the United States.
Looking for perfection? Our goal is to provide excellence in all of our work, not just restorations. We use only state-of-the-art equipment to have complete control during the entire restoration process. We can restore your automobile to any level you desire at any budget.
Make the Glory Days Come Alive
We build cars that bring back memories from past lives and give them a fresh new life. You can start making our own family memories in a vehicle restored completely to your specification. Rest assured knowing your classic car is in good hands. You'll be driving down memory lane in the car of your dreams!
If you have a classic car in need of restoration, contact us today!
A complete auto restoration is completely disassembling the vehicle and restoring each and every part and system. This process limits ongoing maintenance and future restoration situations.
A full auto restoration primarily includes:
- Disassemble and catalog every piece on vehicle
- Pull body off frame (optional)
- Media blast and restore frame (optional)
- Media blast or mechanically/chemically strip vehicle
- Metal repairs of all rust
- Replace or replate all trim
- Smooth out body of all waves and dents
- Rebuild existing mechanical systems or replace
- Upgrade brake, steering & suspension systems
- Rebuild engine or replace with a crate motor
- Upgrade transmission & gearing
- Etch prime and seal vehicle after stripping
- High build primer after body work
- Block sand entire vehicle
- Paint and clear vehicle - all jambs, under hood and under deck lid
- Sand and buff
- Undercoat vehicle
- Replace seat covers, foam and repair springs
- Replace carpet
- Replace headliner
- Restore dash
- Restore door panels
- Replace or restore interior trim

Award Winning Body & Fabrication Craftsmen - Complete Restoration and Customs
1950 Chevy Flat Bed - Complete Restoration

1956 T-Bird
Epoxy Primed and Sandblasted